Posted in Keeping your sanity, Parenting, Practicing, Working Parent

Why this blog?

Many of my friends, family, and even my daughter’s Kindergarten teacher, ask me, “how do you balance flute with children?” Of course, I give them my honest interpretation of how I am “handling” (more like juggling) it, and, in most cases, advice on how they can succeed at it as well. After answering this many times, I got the idea to create a blog about being a professional musician, a mother of three (in fewer than 4 years!), and how I’ve learned to create some pretty awesome meals on my less-than-professional stove. I want to help musician mothers succeed and live to their full potential. Yes, it’s significantly more difficult to practice and concentrate and, well, work while wiping tushies and being sleep deprived, but I’m here to say that it is possible. As Marcel Moyse and Trevor Wye would say, with time, patience, and intelligent work, you can make it happen.